So I was in the company of some friends on the 31st of December, 2013 and somehow someone brought up the topic “New Year Resolutions”. A girl of 4years with her elder sister beside us, suddenly asked out of curiosity ” uncle what is new year resolution”? Amazed and stunned on her so direct question, Gabriel the guy next to me took up the challenge to answer. He replied the little girl, “New Year Resolution are rules for the first week of January”. We all roared up in Laughter, and not knowing why we were laughing the little girl joined us to laugh. I had to correct what he had said, I told her they were rules one sets out for a new year and with the strong intentions of being followed. I had to ask Gabriel how he came up with the response only for him to confess he stole the line from a social media. He still added that he’s never kept any resolutions he made during the past years and for that reason he stopped making them and started flowing with the tide. We still laughed again. But then that’s how many people answer to that question. This year I have made no resolutions yet, not because I couldn’t keep them, well that’s partly one of the reason but then I found it too early for some rules.

So do you make New year resolutions just for the first week of January or just because others are making theirs? And if you don’t, what’s your reason?

Feel free to drop your comments, thanks

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